
Video Support Call No. 1

Wir haben für unsere Kunden einen Remote Video Support Call veranstaltet. Hier konntet ihr live Fragen stellen und Hendrik zeigt euch alle Kniffe und Tricks, wie ihr unser DSS bedient.


00:00 intro
00:27 initial connection (ignition turned off for initial connect)
02:04 TRI editor – sensor rename, decimal places, minimum/maximum values (graphic scaling)
03:59 Pages – demo mode, graphical scaling (round widget), change widget sensors/colors
07:50 overlay widget – basic warnings
09:23 round widget – start/end angles, sensor name
10:23 add a text field
11:55 sensor value – widget warnings min/max
12:56 the widget list – identify, hide, sort widgets
14:44 change widget sensors
15:45 keyboard shortcuts (arrows to move, delete/copy/paste widgets)
16:22 the help button
17:15 round meter – change colors
17:47 needle widget (ghost)
18:20 change logo picture in page
20:05 upload the picture a second time – erase flash
21:30 „picture missing“ error (yellow bar in display)
22:44 add „predefined page“ (incl RPM bar widget)
25:36 own custom page (incl RPM bar)
33:12 add „icon widget“
36:44 „gear widget“
39:00 setup gear ratios on the display itself for gear calculation
40:27 „grid lock“ – position your widgets in a grid
41:38 upload own pictures
42:49 change to imperial units / use of the multiplier
46:26 add and calibrate analogue inputs (NTC temperature, oil/fuel pressure)
54:05 „performance meter“ widget
54:40 load „predefined page“ – 6 cylinder
56:40 upload a TRI file from DSS into display from internal storage
57:42 change pages on the display itself with touchscreen
59:58 hide pages in DSS
01:01:54 activate/change splash screen (incl „erase flash“)
01:05:08 define start page
01:05:42 hide pages on the display with touchscreen
01:06:55 solve DSS not loading page / stuck on one page