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Nach dem Download die Zip Datei entpacken oder doppelt anklicken. Dort befindet sich die Installationsdatei. Diese ausführen und den Dialogen folgen. Wir empfehlen einen Shortcut auf dem Desktop abzulegen. Alternativ befindet sich im Startmenü auch ein Eintrag mit „CANcheckedDSS“. Unter Windows 7 wird noch ein Treiber benötigt. Diesen bitte herunterladen und installieren. Danach den Rechner neu starten. Treiber MFD28 MFD32 MFD32S MFA28 | In der Zip Datei befindet sich die „“. Diese muss in den Ordner „Programme“ bzw. „Applications“ kopiert werden |
Anmerkung: Die DSS ist nur für das MFD28, MFD32, MFD32S und MFA28 ab Software Version 3.x aufwärts nutzbar. MFD15/MFA2.0 Gen1 sowie Displays mit der Softwareversion 2.x werden nicht unterstützt!
Display und DSS bitte immer gemeinsam aktualisieren.
20.08.2024 v0.024
- ENHANCED: implemented restore function: after connecting to display find the button under „connection“
- FIX: bug fixed when loading pages some appear as empty
- FIX: bug fixed when loading pages some appear as empty
- ENHANCED: dialog changed when DSS and display show non compatible versions
- ENHANCED: sensor widget gets min value (for oil pressure). use „show min“. When used together with „show max“ the name shifts to the middle and min goes to the left. (firmware 4.100c)
- ENHANCED: „?“ next to a widget type scrolls to the correct section within the help
- FIX: log viewer fixed with sensor selection
- ENHANCED: grid lock also active when resize widget with corner
- ENHANCED: multi file upload – select several files and upload them at once. Upload stops, when there is an invalid
- FIX: empty pages where not loading in DSS
- FIX: widgets left when loading page from file or from predefined
03.01.2024 v0.023c
- MCE18 ADDED: software pullups on DIN/AIN
- MCE18 ADDED: 4 frequency inputs
- MCE18 ADDED: Ethanol input on FreqIn1 (DIN6)
- MFD28 ADDED: picture upload to internal DSS storage in offline mode – upload later from select list to display
- MFD28 ADDED: image resize option (upload image in offline mode, resize it, connect to display and upload it from drop down list)
- MFD28 ADDED: demo offline for some widgets
- MFD28 ADDED: „can switch“ is now „switch“. Added output switch (specify under other settings => IO pins)
- MFD28 FIX: optimized „export to display“ in pages
- MFD28 FIX: bug when resorting widgets
- MFD28 FIX: change comma with dot was not working anymore
- MFD28 ENHANCED: status rectangle is now status widget: with operator and show as circle
- MFD28 ENHANCED: vertical/horizontal bar with „bar“ option now possible in other direction (right2left, top2bottom)
- MFD28 ENHANCED: sensor widget – sensor name and max value font size/colour changeable
- MFD28 ENHANCED: „can switch“ widget can now be round
- MFD28 ENHANCED: vertical/horizontal bar with borders and tags (firmware 4.007c3)
- MFD28 ENHANCED: unused „Multi state“ are hidden
- MFD28 ENHANCED: resize widget with lower right corner and drag
01.12.2023 v0.023b
- FIX: open „output control“ doesnt work
13.10.2023 v0.023a
- ENHANCED: Labels in „Log viewer“ resizable with white bar
- FIX: sorting widget do not work, when importing from display
25.09.2023 v0.023
- ENHANCED: enable „other settings“ in offline mode
- ENHANCED: add 8th gear
- ENHANCED: add pressure icon
- ENHANCED: can logger performance optimization
- ENHANCED: global enhanced mode
- ENHANCED: lots of UI optimizations
- ENHANCED: „export to display“ from DSS will also delete last sensors, when deleted (firmware v4.007c)
- FIX: sensor changed when „RPMbar“ widget gets selected
- FIX: load from predefined apages and save to display, removed last widget
- FIX: reposition „Grid lock“ when using vertical display orientation
- FIX: sensors >99 did not get correctly populated into the display (use together with firmware v4.007c)
- FIX: stuck on loading messed up page
- FIX: TRI/TRX file activation when upload own file
- FIX: usertable first row was shifted when only one row
- FIX: usertable „interpolate“ showed up in „pages“
- ADDED: sensor type feature – define sensor as temperature, pressure, speed or combustion ration to have the display change units from metric to imperial
- ADDED: enhanced DBC import tool
- ADDED: display backup under „Connection“ – we work on restore (firmware v4.007c)
- ADDED: rotate button for pages – when in offline mode, you can rotate the screen to horizontal orientation
- ADDED: sensor names for user table and math channel – also warning, when it’s missing
28.03.2023 v0.022
- ADDED: DPFinfo predefined page
- ADDED: new font (7 segment) for „sensor value“ and „enumeration“
- ADDED: multiplier for all values – usable for TRX and TRI files. Add an additional multiplier to correct values (firmware 4.007)
- ADDED: pictures get resized to maximum 320×320
- ENHANCED: ignore subversions (fixes) on initial version check
- ENHANCED: upload file check. When received file size in display is other than send file size, the file gets omitted
- ENHANCED: slider controls on initial startup popup
- FIX: Gen1 save TRI file error
- FIX: MCE18 live data not visible
29.01.2023 v0.021
- ADDED: Enumeration widget
- ADDED: predefined page: RPMbar and Keypad
- ADDED: horizontal2 orientation
- ADDED: „flash erase“ and „delete start animation“ to „upload section“ (firmware 4.006)
- ADDED: activate Demo mode from DSS
- ADDED: internal DSS image upload under „Upload“, when an image is missing on the display and you see „image not found“
- ADDED: round meter sensor name can now be positioned (name offset in widget)
- ADDED: lots of enhancements (e.g. popup, when you have to be connected to a display)
- ADDED: drop down menus on pages for widget stuff
- ADDED: permanent logging option to „Other settings“ => „General settings“
- ADDED: show current widget count in „Pages“
- ADDED: „connection status“ border indicates connection status (green/red)
- FIXED: widget sorting and afterwards add a new widget
- FIXED: MathChannel setup
- FIXED: „load from file“ under „Other settings“
- FIXED: imge upload of non bmp images – saved correctly for next session
- ENHANCED: can logger optimised
- ENHANCED: can switches are now 1-8, multi switch 1-4 (instead of 0-7 / 0-3)
- ENHANCED: upload TRI/TRI and confirm whether to activate the uploaded file or not
- ENHANCED: vertical bar can now go from top to bottom and can be a simple bar moving up/down (firmware 4.006)
- ENHANCED: picture widget automatically resizes to picture dimensions, when different picture is selected
14.10.2022 v0.020
- GEN2: added „Haldex Ext“ to „Sensor Init“
- Addon integration (MCE18)
- fixed log viewer „load from file“
- convert , to . in MAP and NTC dialog
- fixed colours when round meter start is bigger than end (opposite direction)
- optimized log viewer UI (removing sensors from current view, value position)
- GEN2 added „page switch“ and „dim display“ to „Sensor init“
01.07.2022 v0.019
- GEN2: TRI editor – added internal inputs select field
- GEN2: Pages – helperlines showing again
- GEN2: Pages – added predefined pages
- GEN2: uploaded pictures stay in program after restart
- GEN2: overlay widget – added time how long it should flash (use display v4.004)
- GEN2: can switch „globally disable“ available
- GEN2: Can transmit bug fix – little/big endian mismatched
- GEN2: Can Switch momentary not saved properly
- GEN2: enhancement: support for vertical2 orientation
- GEN2: enhancement: new RPM gauge (only one per page)
- GEN2: display version check
- GEN1: display version check
- GEN2: import/export of „other settings“
- GEN2: enhancement: specify lat and long sensor for g-meter
- optimised mapper for analogue/can input dialog for better understanding
13.05.2022 v0.018
- GEN2: sensor value border displayed in DSS
- GEN2: width of bottom bar adjusted
- GEN2: new hot keys (see [?] under WIDGETS)
- version naming scheme changed
- widget sizes gets corrected to <320 and <240
- GEN2: YT diagram integration (use display v4.003)
- GEN2: added G-Meter widget (use display v4.003)
- various bug fixes
25.02.2022 v0.1_7beta
- GEN2: color select widget repositioned
- GEN2: optimised DSS font display for certain widgets
- GEN2: can logger added scroll option
- GEN2: show can logger status
14.02.2021 v0.1_6beta (display >= v3.2_15)
- support for TRX files (use v3.2_12 or later on display)
- bug fix image upload under windows
- bug fix MAP/NTC
- thumbnail picture name gets stored in file (user v3.2_14 or later)
- number widget – set position for name or completely remove the name
- number widget – optionally remove max value
- fixed tire temp widget read from display (wrong sensor count)
- added Gen2 displays (firmware 4.x)
13.05.2021 v0.1_5 (display >= v3.2_1k)
- copy TRI sensor possible
- canlogger works now
26.03.2021 v0.1_4 (display >= v3.2_1k)
- change TRI Editor menu
- fixed multistate switch (display firmware at least v3.2_1k)
- fixed bug on rename multistate switch
22.03.2021 v0.1_3
- clean shutdown of display connection – reconnect possible now
17.03.2021 v0.1_2
- bug fixes
17.10.2020 v0.1_1
- fixed bug for brightness/page switch
- added performance meter
- bug switches
24.09.2020 v0.1k
- added image upload
- size optimizations
- several bug fixes
- use at least v3.2_1f oder v3.1b_J on display
- added can logger
26.08.20 v0.1j
- shift light options saved to display correctly
11.08.20 v0.1h
- boost control bug fixes (transmit safety sensors, transmit dutycycle=0)
03.03.20 v0.1d
- boost control: implemented additional safety sensors
- added default values so „other settings“ is useable in offline mode
- can switches (multiple added)
- added more colours for straight bar, lay meter and circle widget (white and red/greeen/red)
- added tire temperature widget
- enhance mode for TRI file – if unselected only few values show up in sensor editings
- fixed OBD2 PID import
12.11.19 v0.1c_2
- line graph sensors selectable
31.10.19 v0.1c_1
- copy/paste widgets with ctrl-c/ctrl-v
- sensors is kept when change widget type
- automatic TRI file name when saving
- some cleanups
29.10.19 v0.1c (use with 3.1a_2)
- massive enhancements in logviewer
- started „other settings“ – read only from display for now
- thickness of bargraph can be thinner
- enhanced widget type selection
- enhanced widget colour selection
- added layer functionality
26.09.19 v0.1b_1 (use with v3.1a_1)
- sensornames displayed correctly
- fixed widget deletion
- bug removed when widget x-coordinate equal to 255
14.09.19 v0.1b (use with v3.1_b)
- removed bug when handling widget count bigger 9
- added widget image functionality
- helperlines for rotate mode optimized
- widget sensor selection improved by select field
06.09.19 v0.1a (use with v3.1_a)
- added helper lines for widgets
- use (-) and (+) to zoom in and out in log viewer (in addition to left/right to move the marker)
- correct load of sensornames when TRI file is loaded
- Label files are loaded correctly
- optimized view in „tri editor“
- info and warning texts translated to english
- fixed bug when adding new widgets
03.09.19 v0.1 (use with v3.1_ALPHA)
- initial release